:cartwheeling: arch bspwm + hyprland dotfiles
Thanks for dropping by! This is my personal repository of my dotfiles.
The setup section will guide you through a step-by-step installation process.
Here are more information about my setup:
- Window Manager: bspwm
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh
- Bars: polybar
- Compositor: picom
- Editor: neovim
- Notification Daemon: dunst
- File Manager: thunar
- Browser: firefox
- Application Launcher: rofi
:wrench: SETUP
Dotfiles are managed with stow make sure to have stow.
$ pwd
└ home
└ aayush
└ dotfiles
└ configs
Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/aayushrathor/dotfiles.git dotfiles
For installation run stow to symlink everything
cd ~/dotfiles && stow */ -t ~
For any particular config file
stow <package_name> -t ~
:keyboard: Keybindings
Keys | Action |
super + Return | Open terminal (kitty) |
super + shift + Return | Open terminal (alacritty with tabbed) |
super + e | thunar(file manager) |
super + {t,shift + t,s,f} | set the window stat |
super + space | rofi application menu |
super + shift + R | centred floating terminal |
super + {w,shift + w} | kill active window |
super + d | eww widgets |
super + x | Run powermenu |
super + shift + S | flameshot |
super + r | screen recorder |
super + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} | Change workspace/tag from 1 to 9 |
ctrl + shift + L | Run lockscreen |
alt + shift + {h,j,k,l} | open scratchpads |
super + shift + D | floating bottom scratchpad |
super + semicolon | open left floating scratchpad |
super + apostrophe | open right floating scratchpad |
super + h | Change focus to the left container |
super + l | Change focus to the right container |
super + k | Change focus to the upper container |
super + j | Change focus to the lower container |
super + shift + h | Move container to the left side |
super + shift + l | Move container to the right side |
super + shift + k | Move container to the upper side |
super + shift + j | Move container to the lower side |
super + shift + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} | Move active container to repective workspace/tag |
super + escape | Reload Keybinds(sxhkd) |
super + alt + r | Reload bspwm |
super + alt + q | kill bspwm |
all keybinds are available in sxhdrc config file
  :ghost: Appearance
Install the following theme, icon pack, cursor and fonts for overall appearance.
- GTK Theme : [Qogir theme](https://github.com/vinceliuice/Qogir-theme)
- Icon Theme : [Papirus icon theme](https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme)
- Cursor Theme : [Oreo cursor theme](https://github.com/varlesh/oreo-cursors)
- Fonts : JetBrains Nerd Fonts, Fira Code, and CaskaydiaCove Nerd Fonts
  :computer: Program list
| Program | Name |
| --- | --- |
| Window Manger | [bspwm](https://github.com/baskerville/bspwm) |
| Bar | [polybar](https://github.com/polybar/polybar) |
| Compositor | [picom-jonaburg-fix](https://github.com/jonaburg/picom) |
| Launcher | [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) |
| Wallpaper manager | [feh](https://feh.finalrewind.org/) |
| Music Visualizer | [cava](https://github.com/karlstav/cava) |
| Lockscreen | [i3lock-color](https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color) |
| Terminal Emulator | [Alacritty](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty) |
| Shell | [zsh](https://www.zsh.org) |
| Notification daemon | [dunst](https://dunst-project.org/) |
| Scratch pad | [tdrop](https://github.com/noctuid/tdrop) |
list of all programs I use can be found here [program-list](https://github.com/aayushrathor/dotfiles/blob/main/packages)